Thursday, August 18, 2005

Ice-Scrapping: A classic KDU hostel form of entertainment

Living in KDU Teratai Court (as they call it now) brings out the best as well as the worst from everyone. Due to lack of entertainments and facilities round the area, we (this includes my dear housemates) developed a new one of a kind past time; ICE-SCRAPPING. Well, not that it's our fault, the walls of the freezer get's thicker by the day and before we know it, three quarter of the freezer is left. And before we know it, the lid couln't fit anymore...

"Remove the ice!"
"Errr.. scrape it!"

And yes, at 12 midnight 3 mentally fit girls armed with metal spoons begin to remove the ice by scrapping at first but eventually lose some patience and knock hard on 'em. After about an hour of hard work and laughs, we looked at the new face of the freezer... ahh yesss this is what a refridgerator should look like.

Felt really accomplished...
Felt it was worth the while...
Felt we've done a grand job...

...until we notice a label saying
"Press Button to Defrost"


enigma said...

hello dear adrienne. :) haha cute la u all.Anyway, wanna drop in here to say hi and take care. Keep up the oncoming posts!! Cheers.

adri-enne said...

hey thanx enigma.. hmm.. y choose enigma as nickname...
haha anyways.. i love blogging but sometimes i just couldnt find enough time. :(
hehe mayb cos i put reading other blogs my priority.. :)